Brown and sticky

By Jon - 14/03/2009 06:30 - United States

Today, I came home a day after my birthday, and was greeted by my mother who told me, "Oh, I have birthday present for you." She explained that she and my father went on a hike, and handed me my present. I got a fucking stick for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 152
You deserved it 6 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Inkspell 2

Wow, wtf, i rather get nothing. lmao, what the hell, seriously though, just grabbing a stick and giving it to someone is worse than saying "sorry, don't have a present.."

You can do SO MANY things with a stick. The possibilities are endless.


Hey, back in her day, that stick could be anything! A baseball bat, a hockey stick, or even a tool with which to beat ungrateful kids like you!

you should do the same for their birthdays, like: "i went on a hike too. here's some bear feces." :)

briiittxxhc 0

Haha! That seriously is the shittiest present anyone could ever get. I think I would rather get a rock than a stick. Lol. But I guess if it was a magical stick it might make a difference.

people in third world countries would give anything for that stick. selfish prick...

you're kidding right? they have sticks in 3rd world countries too. You're a moron.

HAHA A STICK! I'm sorry, man, that DOES suck. I would have rather gotten just a Happy Birthday than a stick! And to #37 and is mine! Happy Birthday to us!

BFD, cry me a river. You're probably spoiled and expected something expensive. Welcome to life!

As much as that sucks. I can't help but laugh.