Brown and sticky

By Jon - 14/03/2009 06:30 - United States

Today, I came home a day after my birthday, and was greeted by my mother who told me, "Oh, I have birthday present for you." She explained that she and my father went on a hike, and handed me my present. I got a fucking stick for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 153
You deserved it 6 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Inkspell 2

Wow, wtf, i rather get nothing. lmao, what the hell, seriously though, just grabbing a stick and giving it to someone is worse than saying "sorry, don't have a present.."

You can do SO MANY things with a stick. The possibilities are endless.


I love how all these people are comparing to third world countries, im guessing you guys get sticks for birthday presents too. Just becuase its third world doesnt mean every one is starving and in poverty. I'm pretty sure they have stick over there too.

Herropreez17 0

Now when you say f*cking stick.... O.o

did you throw it and tell her to fetch?

Belllatrix 0
Epikouros 31

Unless it's very polished, please put an extra thick condom on your ******* stick! You don't want splinters in your rectum.

lvl19virgin 0

Ungrateful shit I love stickball

Use that stick wisely. Shove it up their asses!!!

NerdyEmoChick 3

Well, its just a birthday present. Not that bad. At least once for me, on my 7th birthday my mom had agreed to meet my grandparents and my dad at our house. She got drunk and started freaking out and decided to leave town. We didn't, but we just went to the store and she bought more liqour.