Brown and sticky

By Jon - 14/03/2009 06:30 - United States

Today, I came home a day after my birthday, and was greeted by my mother who told me, "Oh, I have birthday present for you." She explained that she and my father went on a hike, and handed me my present. I got a fucking stick for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 153
You deserved it 6 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Inkspell 2

Wow, wtf, i rather get nothing. lmao, what the hell, seriously though, just grabbing a stick and giving it to someone is worse than saying "sorry, don't have a present.."

You can do SO MANY things with a stick. The possibilities are endless.


It's better than a stone.. atleast if you have a dog it is.

iTunesAddict 0

Lol hmm... what exactly is a "******* stick?"

LOL @ #22 and several other comments here Personally I think they gave you the greatest gift of all - laughter. Cause honestly, there is no way someone would ever pick up a stick on a hike to give to you for your birthday and NOT be joking. Maybe they'll give you your real present later?

Awww, did the precious snowflake not get a pony for their birthday? That's tragic.

MissCharlotte_fml 26

Im sure anyone would rather get nothing than a stick for their birthday. She didnt want a pony, just something with maybe a teeny tiny bit of thought put into it. Her parents basically just went on a hike, grabbed a stick and called it a day. Nothing would have better than just a stick that had no meaning for OP.

better than a bill for how much your parents think you should pay for staying at their house...

HAHAHAHA. I see whatcha did tharr #6 But seriously, was it, like, a magical stick...?

Geez... Why do children always want the 399$ iPod or the 899$ XBox for their Birthday and then are depressed when their parents don't play that game anymore? A stick isn't the nicest present thought, they should've made a cake or something that says: "We put some serious effort in that"

stoopidstarfish 0

at least they remembered your birthday