
By harambae - 11/09/2016 17:10 - United States - La Grange

Today, I accidentally mooed during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 228
You deserved it 3 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did your partner give you any beef about it?

There was an FML like this a while back. In it, a dude was having sex with an overweight girl when she blurted out "milk me like a cow. " Also, I hope you didn't kill the MOOd.


orangejubejube 20

I accidentally burst out laughing on the bus after reading this

A surge of "Mmm" and "Oooo". Probably was hilarious.

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Now featuring bonus mooing!

Down vote me all y'all want, but I am SO over people bringing up Harambe

This is one of those FMLs that makes me wish the character limit was longer so we could hear the whole story.

species4872 19

Was it a full MOOn at the time? Tell us, there's a lot at stake here.