Boom, headshot

By oof - 09/07/2020 23:01

Today, my fiancé and I were discussing whether we should have a gun in the house or not. He argued that I’m too clumsy to have one. Offended, I turned around to storm off. I hit my forehead on the cabinet I'd left open and immediately started gushing blood. Point proved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 095
You deserved it 1 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Offended, huh? I'd say you were... ...wait on it... ...triggered.

As a gun owner, I am afraid I have to side with the fiancé. If OP is this careless and clumsy then adding a gun to the mix is just risking disaster. Get a dog instead.


Offended, huh? I'd say you were... ...wait on it... ...triggered.

Kraths 16

Being clumsy doesn’t have to do a whole lot with rather or not a gun can be in the house as long as you know basic gun safety. I have friends who routinely trip over air, but all have safely handled firearms.

As a gun owner, I am afraid I have to side with the fiancé. If OP is this careless and clumsy then adding a gun to the mix is just risking disaster. Get a dog instead.

The three main things in life that cause clumsiness are bad spatial awareness, low to poor muscle tone and multiple different neurological disorders most of which are curable, as a child I was horribly clumsy so I took martial arts and it took care of the spatial awareness and low muscle tone issues I had. Your problems can be worked on and too the issue of having a gun first learn to shoot a pellet gun once you're comfortable with that move up to a 22 when you're comfortable with that use a bigger one it's all about practice when it comes to anything.

I disagree, as someone who is a national champion in a sport and an olympic-certified coach. I have trouble with stairs and doorways and other daily bullshyt sometimes and it's just because of a low level sensory perception of the physical world around me when I am in my own head. It doesn't mean I have general physical incompetence.

icalledhisname 12

Nope, ADHD also causes clumsiness and there’s no cure for that. CBT can help but not cure. If someone with ADHD is doing something, and something suddenly distracts them while they aren’t hyper-focused, mistakes will be made.

Well don't have a gun in the house until you've trained and learned how to handle guns.

Mathalamus 24