By KMKWEEN - 16/02/2009 14:37 - United States

Today, I was at work. I work at a grocery store and a woman pulls a cart to me filled with chips, breads, lunch meats, and sodas. I said to her "Looks like you are going to have a fun party" she then looks at me and says "My mother just died, this is for after the funeral. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 913
You deserved it 10 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just quickly say, "I'm sorry to hear that ma'am." However it sounds like the people who replied never actually been to a funeral. Afterwards they usually have a small gathering of people. They usually serve stuff like sandwhich and stuff and people talk, then they leave. It's not a "pig out" as suggested by some people. Think: sad party.


freddie_fml 0

It's totally your fault. Why, why, why do people insist on commenting on other people's food choices, ever? This is a PERFECT example of why it's ALWAYS appropriate to just keep your mouth SHUT.

Allison_H 0

Ironic. YOU should be the one keeping your mouth shut ;) To the person above me: Kudos, to you! :D

srgsk9 9

She was being nice, how the **** was she supposed to know what they were for. Do me a favor, don't get a job which requires any interaction with another human.

Unless that was a joke, you are a total bastard. The cashier at a store is supposed to make small talk with the customers. When I go to any store, I hate it when the person behind the counter just stares awkwardly while s/he rings up my stuff. OP was just trying to avoid an awkward situation, which actually made things worse, but that's not usually how it is. Also, that was a weird choice for funeral food--when my grandmother died, my dad and uncle bought coffee, tea, cake and cookies for when we sat Shiva for her. This was a true FML--an unavoidable situation where fault lies with no one involved.

Just quickly say, "I'm sorry to hear that ma'am." However it sounds like the people who replied never actually been to a funeral. Afterwards they usually have a small gathering of people. They usually serve stuff like sandwhich and stuff and people talk, then they leave. It's not a "pig out" as suggested by some people. Think: sad party.

I've been to a few funerals and the one thing I've noticed is that the reason everyone gathering might be sad, but I found myself listening to stories about the person that would make you laugh hysterically. It can actually be a really good time, despite the circumstances.

#6, that is stupid. have you ever worked at a register for a 4 hour shift? you get so BORED. talking to the people that go through the line is the only form of communication and entertainment you get. plus i'm pretty sure it's required to make some form of communication, like, 'you owe 13.69' or etc.

dont be bothered about it, you clearly couldnt have known

Not to mention... you are getting paid to be polite and engaging to customers (well, in a way.)

The 500+ "YDI" voters are just cruel...totally impossible to have seen that coming, and as an employee you always want to make chit chat to please the customer (unless they look like they have a stick up their ass).

TryToBeKind 0

Word to the wise: if you don't know a person well enough to know what you're talking about, keep your mouth firmly shut.

Your job, if you work as a cashier, is to make small talk while ringing a person up. You clearly have never worked any sort of job that requires you to be doing the same thing for hours on end.

TryToBeKind 0

#6, I couldn't agree with you more! It's none of the employee's business

Allison_H 0

It's not like the employee KNEW...

quiksta 0

who is in the mood to eat at a funeral