By katiekat - 05/01/2010 20:24 - United States

Today, my ex looked at me for the first time in months. I felt like I could fly. Seconds later my flight ended. I fell down the stairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 953
You deserved it 12 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Today i saw my crazy, needy ex for the first time in months, my feelings of dread were relieved when she fell down the stairs... My life rocks!

FiddleStikz 0

Just because he looked at you?


samlovesyou 0
FiddleStikz 0

Just because he looked at you?

Must've been pretty hot. Way to go, OP, for hitting that!

Exactly...get in the kitchen and make me a sammich. Don't forget the chips and beer. neck hurts, I'ma need a massage. Kidding! :)

baby_gurl2405 0

who cares if ur ex looked at u for the first time in a while.... he's ur ex... try leaving it tht way the only way u'd be 'excited' wat-so-ever is if he dumped you...... in which case good for him D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E

tman118 0

Today i saw my crazy, needy ex for the first time in months, my feelings of dread were relieved when she fell down the stairs... My life rocks!

KylaaKatastrophe 0

#8 So cruel! Yet, incredibly funny.

InstaKarma 0

Residual feelings -- yes. Being so ******* desperate that you "felt like you could fly" and were so damn out of it for a LOOK that you fell down the stairs? That's just pathetic. YDI. Grow up.

sillychilegirl 0

wow you guys are all asses. so she still likes her ex... big deal. so do I. then she tripped which I thought was hilarious but still.

wow really YDi for having stairs. seriously guys grow up.. tht can actually happen to anyone.. so maybe before commenting think about it and put yourself into that person's position..