Bad day, huh?

By evenpoorer - 16/03/2010 05:19 - United States

Today, I was excited to start my new job. It was only when I was leaving after a long 8-hour day did I realize all of the personal documents I had I brought in for paperwork had been stolen. I'm now down a passport, social security card, and wallet. Great first day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 003
You deserved it 3 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ajjas013 6

You can start a fresh life, change your name, and move to a distant town. You can work on someone else's ranch and feed off their income and at the same time remain incogneto... Unless they stole your green card. Then you're ******.

Your next day is going to be worst. Especially when the identity theft kicks in and your credit score drops to 5.


bossiercitybeast 0

Maybe u should not work with black ppl jk ;p

@12 maybe you shouldn't be such an asshole.

mexicantumblewee 0

I didn't realise adding "jk" meant you could spew racist rubbish with impunity. The problem with jokes like that is that it leads idiots like Spiderpig to make even dumber remarks.

loski87 4

yea because being black automatically makes you a theif :|

Don't you watch the news? It's what they want you to believe...

Oh, how I LOVE it when they stereotype us.

Ajjas013 6

You can start a fresh life, change your name, and move to a distant town. You can work on someone else's ranch and feed off their income and at the same time remain incogneto... Unless they stole your green card. Then you're ******.

İs it just how we beasts are, i am not sure but i can't seem to laugh or giggle at your jokes because you are younger than me , yet i would of if it was someone else who i didn't know the age of. xD

YDI for living in Idaho. Potato-lovers..

YDI for not being more responsible with your important documents!

jakehandy 0

Your next day is going to be worst. Especially when the identity theft kicks in and your credit score drops to 5.

PsychoMerk 0

lol. what part of town do YOU work in? :p

Ajjas013 6

He cleans the urinals at local strip clubs.

loski87 4

so are you implying that things like this only happen in bad neighborhoods?

Ajjas013 6

This is why you leave a huge dump next to your personal belongings. No one will ever take them :D