Bad choice of material, dude

By screwed - 11/03/2020 23:00

Today, I told my on and off girlfriend as a joke that I stalked her two years ago. She didn't believe me. When I say she didn't believe me, I mean she didn't believe it was a joke. FM
I agree, your life sucks 480
You deserved it 1 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously, that's what you went with? Why would you think that was funny???

Don’t try that joke on your next girlfriend.


Seriously, that's what you went with? Why would you think that was funny???

Don’t try that joke on your next girlfriend.

bloopaloop 27

Does she also think y’all are “on and off” or just “off”?

mccuish 25

How was that suppose to be funny

ojoRojo 27

Wow that’s soooo funny, I can’t believe it backfired -__-

WistayShlaio82 13

That’s what you get for dating glass jaw girls.