Damn regulations

By Anonymous - 27/07/2021 06:01

Today, after being years of being told that it's a pipe dream and that I can't do it, I finally qualified for my unconventional dream job, competing with almost 100k people, only to find out during the medical exam that as I have epilepsy, I'm unfit for the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 210
You deserved it 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am very sorry. This had to have been a very bitter thing to happen after getting so far. There is more than one great career choice for most of us (and also more than one ideal mate). So figure out what would work for you given that this particular job is not going to work out. I assume you are on medication for epilepsy, I trust that it is under control. There are medications that help.

leovaldez 9

Medical exam was after the final selection. I had the job. was going to be posted in a month or two


bobsanction 18

I am very sorry. This had to have been a very bitter thing to happen after getting so far. There is more than one great career choice for most of us (and also more than one ideal mate). So figure out what would work for you given that this particular job is not going to work out. I assume you are on medication for epilepsy, I trust that it is under control. There are medications that help.

It's almost better that you got knocked out for a medical reason. Wouldn't it suck if you got second place for the job? You were good enough to beat 99,998 people for it, but one prick got in the way and made "they" right about you.

leovaldez 9

Medical exam was after the final selection. I had the job. was going to be posted in a month or two

leovaldez 9

Detective, intelligence related stuff

I feel for you, I have the same problem. Wanted a career switch which takes about 6 months of tests and everything. It all went fine and I have 2 more to go. The final one is a medical test though and I went to my doctor to be sure I'll pass it. Apparently my hearing isn't good enough (I don't even wear hearing aids or anything, I don't get it... but apparently they are very strict when it comes to that). So frustrating, now I am doing the final 2 tests knowing full well there's a serious chance it's all for nothing.

randybryant799 20

Seems like you should have already known that.

someone something 20

I am so sorry to hear. I also have epilepsy and have lost previous jobs because of it. Truly isn't fair

This happened to me as well a few months ago. My vision in 1 eye was off by 2points. Crazy thing is my glasses was stolen at my old place of employment and I don’t have a job or insurance to replace them.