Assumptions part 27674

By dads can’t cook? - 17/03/2021 21:30

Today, I was messaging a new friend when she mentioned her dad was cooking dinner that night. I jokingly texted, “Oh no! I’m sorry!” Turns out her dad is a professional chef. FML
I agree, your life sucks 274
You deserved it 1 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

famlife 6

She probably doesn't care about your dumb opinions.

Her: "My dad's a chef lol." Me: "Gosh, my dad uses every pan for Mac n cheese." (Non) Crisis averted..


Better hope she doesn't cut you up like a sausage then cut you off from her friends list. Slice 'n' dice 🔪

Ambrily 27

That was really stupid of you, OP, and also pretty sexist.

famlife 6

She probably doesn't care about your dumb opinions.

Her: "My dad's a chef lol." Me: "Gosh, my dad uses every pan for Mac n cheese." (Non) Crisis averted..

Most chefs are men. I wish her dad was Gordon Ramesy