By dearprudence89 - 10/11/2010 13:16 - United States

Today, I was kicked out of a Family Dollar. My mom thought it would be fun to press all the buttons on the musical ceramic cathedrals so they would all play at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 613
You deserved it 3 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gusgus36 5

your mom sounds like a pretty cool

RedPillSucks 31

You should have pretended to not be with her. That's what I do when my wife starts something in a store.


gusgus36 5

your mom sounds like a pretty cool

if by cool you mean juvenile and annoying, then yes she's cool. a responsible person realizes that in addition to annoying everyone else in the store for your own personal amusement, by pushing those buttons, you are also running down the batteries for the person that actually pays money for the item. great role model mom

BadasS14 0

35- STFU!! i hate it when people start preaching in fml... js

35- Debbie Downer- it's not that serious.

gusgus36 5

35. I was being sarcastic when I said "cool."

FMLiest - you realize that this was a Family Dollar. I don't expect any of the battery-powered anythings at Family Dollar to last for more than 18 minutes. Gusgus - I think FMLiest's sarcasmometer was turned off temporarily. The situation has been rectified.

yes, I figured you were being sarcastic by calling her "cool". I was trying to be one of those people that doesn't get the sarcasm, and lectures the poster out of ignorance. I figured that the more over-the-top serious that I sounded, the easier it would be for people to realize what I was doing. guess not. oh well. so, does that mean the people who told me to STFU, actually DID think that the mom was "cool" for getting kicked out of a family dollar?? whatev. also it is amazingly hippocritical and ironic to Lecture me about not lecturing people on this site.. dipshit.

Nice recovery (did you catch my sarcasm?)

RedPillSucks 31

You should have pretended to not be with her. That's what I do when my wife starts something in a store.

MissErikaHart 0

u should have her back. I would b too mad

Lol Red as a spouse of a man with a bad temper I totally know what you mean.

zombunny 2

They kicked you out for that? Lame. I do that in stores all the time and the most I get is a few weird looks from other customers. There's a reason those things have "Try me" buttons.

yeah... she was just trying all the 'try me' buttons!

you should probably read #2's replies. #35 speaks right to you.

zombunny 2

While it's a shame that #35 has a permanent stick up his ass, I really do not give a crap.

#35 was attempting (perhaps poorly) to mock the type of person that doesn't get the sarcasm in a comment. but I think people who didn't get the sarcasm in #2's comment thus did not get the mockery in #35's comment. for a better explanation read #54 under #2's thread. or don't....

this is turning into a very confusing thread...

MissErikaHart 0

HA...! HA...! HA...! fuuuuuunny

that's really not funny.... like at all...

zombiebombatron 6

Like..omg like that's not at all. Omg . Oh please, don't comment if you're gonna be a little girl about it.

hidingoutt7 0

Your life is ****** ,because you got kicked out of family doller. There's like a bunch more just go to a new one and btw op that's a retarded reason to be kicked out.

maybe lots of people had done the same thing and the staff were sick of it...

One good turn deserves another. Push her buttons in return. *hint, one of her buttons is right in the middle of her face, the second is up in her ovaries*

TheDrifter 23

is that second button best accessed from the front, back or bottom?

straight through the middle with a falcon punch is best. ;-)

mintcar 9