Another fine mess

By MikeMoosey - 30/12/2008 18:00 - United States

Today, while pumping gas, I stopped to think about what a failure my life is, and how badly I've treated people in my past. While deep in thought, I accidentally pulled the gas pump out too far and covered myself with gasoline. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 549
You deserved it 25 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I was going to say something about karma but someone already beat me to it! Oh well, what they said!

ahhh i did that once, but the gas got all over my new shoes, and my entire outfit =/ i quickly drove away though so i wouldnt have to pay an enviromental spill fee =x FML

well at least you didn't "proceed" to cover yourself in gasoline (;

MoooMooMooMooMoo 0

If you hate your life that much, bring a lighter with u next time you pump gas.