Almost there, we're almost there…

By Anonymous - 26/09/2020 08:02 - United States - Rockaway Park

Today, I was rushing to walk home because my stomach was upset. I dodged multiple people, getting closer and closer, got my front door open, got up my stairs, and then lost control of my bowels on the top step. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 360
You deserved it 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sucks, but it could have much, much worse. Look at the bright side, you're home, you can shower, change, clean up, and nobody has to know. Just imagine if you were out in public...,

I can sympathize I have accidents several times a year I just remind myself of the old saying "SHIT HAPPENS" 😌😋


RollyPollyTrolly 9

I’m sorry that happened to you. You must’ve lost your shit!

I can sympathize I have accidents several times a year I just remind myself of the old saying "SHIT HAPPENS" 😌😋

mcsmee 7

I know it goes downhill, but does it go down stairs?

It sucks, but it could have much, much worse. Look at the bright side, you're home, you can shower, change, clean up, and nobody has to know. Just imagine if you were out in public...,

Unfortunate that you don’t have a bathroom downstairs. But then again it’s downstairs now anyway.