Alexa, play "Don't Go" by Yazoo

By Anonymous - 26/08/2021 02:01

Today, my mother broke into my emails and rejected the best job offer I’ve ever had, all because the job is on the other side of the country, and she’s a selfish bitch who doesn't want to be left completely alone, since she has no friends and our relatives don’t speak to her anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 358
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randybryant799 20

So contact the company and accept the job. Explain what happened.

I'd move away on principle. Or not go see her for awhile.


I'd move away on principle. Or not go see her for awhile.

Your mom loves you! Isn't that worth more than money?

GoogieWithers 22

Hi, I want to come work with you strangers and leave my fat, sweet mama alone in the lurch! Yeah, they're gonna love you.

randybryant799 20

So contact the company and accept the job. Explain what happened.

(1) Change all passwords do not let Mom know any of them. Do not use something she will guess like your birthday or middle name or a variation on your previous password. Do not access them in front of Mom. One good one that you can remember is better than a bunch of different passwords you have to write down. (2) Call the company and explain that Mom has dementia (she has her lucid days and her bad days), and is going to be institutionalized and did not represent your feelings. Hiring an employee who has a mom with dementia is more likely to pass the smell test than one who is controlled by a possessive Mom from hell. (3) Get the hell out of there and don’t look back. It is utterly unacceptable for Mom to sabotage your career just so she has one last person to cling to. Pay no attention to her attempts to emotionally blackmail you. If she has her way she’s going to prevent your career and will likely chase off anyone you love. She deserves the hell she has made for herself by driving off everyone else who would be close to her. It’s lifeboat ethics - You have to save yourself while you can be saved. “Mommy Dearest” may be past saving.

Ambrily 27

Totally agree, and I'd add to use two steps authentication whenever possible, so even if she managed to guess a password, she'd have to get a text/email or even better input a code that you can only get from an app like Authy.

1 why's your mom have your password 2 anyone would be afraid of being completely alone. despite how she acts she likely feels her loneliness and it's an extremely unpleasant feeling. fyl for sure but if you can find it in yourself I recommend getting your mom some help, in the long run you'll both be better off.

wrenavery90 12

How did she break into your email???

Call the company and explain what happened and say you’d love to come work for them and can start ASAP, get your butt out of there!