By B_McG - 25/11/2009 18:31 - Canada

Today, I found out that my mother has been purposely wrecking every relationship I've had since junior high because ''no one is good enough for her little girl''. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 857
You deserved it 2 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just tell her you've been sneaking around behind her back and have gotten 3 abortions so far.

that sucks. glad my parents aren't oveprotective.


that sucks. glad my parents aren't oveprotective.

suaveneanderthal 0

I'm pretty sure i've dated the OP before, sounds like one of my past relationships

how did her mother "wreck" her relationships? it's not like her mother can dump her daughters boyfriend for her

Sun_Kissed18 25

Move out as soon as you can... smothering your children is not the way to go! I'm sorry op :( the good news is that those relationships probably wouldn't have lasted anyway

boreddoubletears 0

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that does suck! I don't get how anyone can ever do that, it's so cruel. My sister is the same way, except her reasoning is that she doesn't like who she married so she goes out of her way to ruin any chance of happiness i get to fulfill some kind of stupid low self esteem thing she has going on. One of the reasons I moved across the country and always claim I'm single. Been single for 3years now, my sister thinks I'm secretly a nun :)

perryscherry 0

excellent band name....i'm gonna love u for the next 15mins!!

sucks for you...glad my parents weren't like that

Just tell her you've been sneaking around behind her back and have gotten 3 abortions so far.

KingHumanity 0

My parents never had to worry about this problem. I'm 18. FML. Seriously, be grateful for what you have.

That really sucks. Its one thing for them to TALK TO YOU about like ONE person you've dated that they didn't approve of but for them to go behind your back with every single one of your relationships is really messed up. That would make me really mad!