Ain't it funky

By Anonymous - 05/12/2011 00:40 - United States

Today, I cleaned my toilet. I had forgotten it was white. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 236
You deserved it 49 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's nasty, keep your bathroom clean. Trust me, it's important.

ninjuh_wingman 29

How dirty are you that you didnt remember what color your toilet was?


needsagf14 12

This is America. Our country is literally going down the toilet

That's just wrong on so many different shit covered levels like your toilet apparently

trippons 9

That's rather disgusting... you should clean your toilet WAY more often.

unicornunit 0
unicornunit 0
Takainthemachine 0

I really hope you live alone...that is unsanitary! Shudders....

Thats nasty. U should b ashamed to post that

omggtfomi 1
AliCat18 12

that is unbelievably repulsive and disgusting! thank goodness I do not live with you or even close to you otherwise I would prob end up in hostpital!