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By for shite's sake - 17/01/2015 22:24 - United Kingdom - Mirfield

Today, I took my driving test. I was really nervous, but I thought I did pretty well in the end. That is until I parked the car and looked to the examiner. He was visibly shaken. He said I'd passed, quickly filled in the paperwork and left. On the downside, my car still smells of his shart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 667
You deserved it 3 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure he needed to go to the bathroom before you even started the test, and the instructor was probably visibly shaken out of embarrassment for ******** his pants in your car, they wouldn't give you your license unless you did well

LaColombianita 26

I guess he was more nervous than you were... Poor guy, what a bad time to have a tummy ache :(


At first i read this as "passed out". i was very confused :b

gintwinsmoore 20

Sounds like OP scared the shit outta him.

That's a shitty situ-- *gets downvoted imto oblivion*

we almost got to the second page of comments without someone saying it...and you killed it.

Well if he passed you then I would assume the thing homework was so shaken about was his shart

Huh, Whaaaat?!? What are you trying to say?

imagine when that instructor went for driving test when he was young ..shit all over the place....

Knowing the stuff on this site, lots of people would have somehow blamed you and denied you your license. So hurrah for passing!

you're driving scared the shit out of him. literally!