Hack it off

By Anonymous - 09/04/2021 08:00

Today, I managed to shave a single stripe out of the right side of my beard before the trimmer sparked and caught fire. I have a job interview in twenty minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 968
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you wait till the last minute to get ready? If you had started like two hours before ? Then you could have time to get a razor

This is why you always keep a disposable razor handy. Although even if you had one, you would have probably been late to your interview anyway, so your appearance wouldn't have mattered. Why on Earth weren't you out the door by then? Do you live next door to where you applied to work?


Why did you wait till the last minute to get ready? If you had started like two hours before ? Then you could have time to get a razor

Lydmyers 9

poor time management there, my friend. YDI

This is why you always keep a disposable razor handy. Although even if you had one, you would have probably been late to your interview anyway, so your appearance wouldn't have mattered. Why on Earth weren't you out the door by then? Do you live next door to where you applied to work?

mando 10

That's quite a look you must have 🤣

Do the interview in profile. It will be memorable and unique.

For not having more than one trimmer ydi but otherwise **** that sucks lol

you have to be there in 20, you're not even dressed yet and you're stopping to post this immediately? total YDI