A new enemy

By Anonymous - 01/03/2021 02:01 - United States - Great Mills

Today, my cat jumped into my lap and sat on my headphone cord. I tried to get it out from under her by pulling on it. Big mistake. My cat is now eyeing the cord and will attack it if I move it again. I have expensive headphones and the cord is not interchangeable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 712
You deserved it 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try some citrus spray on it? Lightly wipe the cord down with it where it dangles.


Try some citrus spray on it? Lightly wipe the cord down with it where it dangles.

peterblack67 9

pick cat up toss to ground, if cat appraoch cord, push cat away, repeat till cat understand you are sturdy wall personally i just pratice cat tipping, similar to cow tipping but cats will try to get back up so you can have more fun with it, dog are a tad funner since they come out looking confused while cats get mad youre bigger then they are