Origin story

By Anonymous - 01/08/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, after sex, my boyfriend of six months was holding me and said, "I'm glad she sent you to my room." We met at a bar. Later I learned that, when he was younger and in a foreign country for a mission, a nurse in his hotel sent a younger nurse to his room. It felt as bad as being called by another woman's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 414
You deserved it 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it’s really unforgivable, break up. Otherwise, have a laugh about it with him.

This doesn't make sense. Are you a nurse? How would he mix that up if you're not a nurse. there is something of a moment of clarity after the release with sex. if that's his moment of clarity I say he's not the one for you and it's only been 6 months you just passed the lust phase


If it’s really unforgivable, break up. Otherwise, have a laugh about it with him.

This doesn't make sense. Are you a nurse? How would he mix that up if you're not a nurse. there is something of a moment of clarity after the release with sex. if that's his moment of clarity I say he's not the one for you and it's only been 6 months you just passed the lust phase