
By Anonymous - 17/07/2021 05:59

Today, in a particularly crowded section of the mall, I felt someone touch my back, several times. My self-defense kicked in, I screamed to attract attention, whipped around and threw a punch. No one was there; It was my ponytail touching my back. People were staring me like I was insane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 358
You deserved it 1 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to chill the hell out, imagine there was someone there, not touching you, just your braid setting you off and you assault them and get them in legal trouble all because your over active "self-defense" kicking in.

that reaction is not normal, the staring was was warranted. next time be sure before you make serious accusations and attempt assault.


You need to chill the hell out, imagine there was someone there, not touching you, just your braid setting you off and you assault them and get them in legal trouble all because your over active "self-defense" kicking in.

that reaction is not normal, the staring was was warranted. next time be sure before you make serious accusations and attempt assault.

shorten your hair... freedom of choice In how you look, but you are a danger to others because of your hair it seems. what it had been a child or some random person actually minding their own business.

xxlk4xx 6

I'm wondering if something happened to you in the past that made you have that type of reaction? if that's the case I'm so sorry! maybe therapy could be helpful. I wish you the best.

mimisky 7

Thank you, you just made my day… that is hilarious!!