You snooze, you lose

By propose_you_freakin_coward - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I was insulted and harassed by my sister and her boyfriend, all because I proposed yesterday. They were angry I might get married before they did. They have known each other since primary school; I met my fiancée earlier this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 910
You deserved it 6 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess for some people, love is a competition after all...

Really? Some people need to grow up and learn to be happy for one another. Especially family.


FYL! Marriage jealously ran in my family too. **I have two older sisters. The middle was with her now husband first for 6 years and deep in planning their wedding. The eldest met her husband and decided to rush their wedding after meeting each other only 6 WEEKS! because she refused to allow her "younger sister" to marry before she did. She stole and copied the venue to a T (same church) and even wore the same wedding dress first because she convinced my parents that it should be the "family dress" and everyone in the future should be able to wear it-- heirloom style. Their weddings were exactly 3 months apart!

She must be jealous that her boyfriend has not proposed before.

I'd just show them up and ask if they've known each other for so long and haven't decided to get married some odd years later, they can't get mad at you and to shove it up their asses.

Dont invite them, since they still seems To date, u might give them ideas to get Married at ur wedding

Where is the 'They deserve it' option when you need one?

That's there problem they want to get married then he should step up and propose like a man not your fault op

captainmpg 9

They have had a long time to board that train. It is not your fault if they can't get their act together or the courage to take that step. It doesn't sound like they left elementary school, so they need to grow up first. Make sure they are not part of your wedding party, or they might ruin it. Congrats to you, and just ignore the jealous children.

Ignore them OP, don't let them riun this happy moment for you,congrats!!!

llnursingll 10

congrats!!!! and tell them that you can not control love!!!!