You snooze, you lose

By propose_you_freakin_coward - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I was insulted and harassed by my sister and her boyfriend, all because I proposed yesterday. They were angry I might get married before they did. They have known each other since primary school; I met my fiancée earlier this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 910
You deserved it 6 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess for some people, love is a competition after all...

Really? Some people need to grow up and learn to be happy for one another. Especially family.


Does that matter it's not a race to who gets married first...that's one jealous sister...

kwojahn 3

sounds loke he needs to step up.

Well if you just met your fiancee earlier this year, I doubt you know her well enough to know if she's right for you. Gettng to know someone takes more time than that.

Do what makes you happy who gives a flying **** about what they say!!

They should grow up if theyve been together so long they just arent mature enough to tie the knot

Tell them that every little thing is gonna be alright!

Rushing into a serious committment with someone you've known less than a year, then shaming and calling someone else a coward because they're not doing the same? YDI for your poor attitude. Love isn't a race.

you make no sense people take their own time to marry and things like that so you cant judge anyone

The people saying it's too soon for them to get married have clearly forgotten that getting engaged just means you plan to marry someday. They could be engaged for 6 months or 6 years; the FML doesn't say they're rushing to the aisle. And you can get to know someone pretty damn well in less than a year if you make the effort.

tehdarkness 21

I think you should get to know each other better, less than a year isn't enough.

im sorry but its engagement not marriage they can wait as long as they want to marry and your no judge of the right amount of time