You snooze, you lose

By propose_you_freakin_coward - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I was insulted and harassed by my sister and her boyfriend, all because I proposed yesterday. They were angry I might get married before they did. They have known each other since primary school; I met my fiancée earlier this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 910
You deserved it 6 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess for some people, love is a competition after all...

Really? Some people need to grow up and learn to be happy for one another. Especially family.


Well holy crap OP,slow it down a bit, no wonder they are angry. /sarcasm

jw90 18

Tell her to get over herself and be happy like you should.

Wow. They're probably jealous! Getting engaged and married should happen when you're ready. Obviously you and your partner are ready for it and they're not. Hopefully they can get over their anger and be happy for you.

Why are some people so bitter about it? You can't just be happy for your family member, or friend? It's not a competition; just like the OP says, if youre gonna get upset over something like this, just propose already, instead of getting mad over someone else's happiness.

What the hell... They should be happy that their family member found one for his life...

Aureliana_fml 2

Why people have to be so selfish and can't be happy for others? What's going on in this world?

Well they should have proposed earlier than if they want to get all pissed off about it. Are they 16? Then don't worry about it. Do what you want.

I know of 2 diff couples who got married within 3mo of knowing eachother, they are the happiest marriages I know. My other friends who have known eachother a lifetime don't have that type of love for one another, who knows why :- Be happy with your decision and screw them.

Maybe because they have known each other for a lifetime and know all the other person's irritating habits? I always tell my newly coupled friends to wait until the puppy love passes, then wait another few years after that to make major decisions.

That is just plain pointless anger thrown at you by your sister. Waste of time for them to complain. Be happy OP and congratulations !