You snooze, you lose

By propose_you_freakin_coward - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I was insulted and harassed by my sister and her boyfriend, all because I proposed yesterday. They were angry I might get married before they did. They have known each other since primary school; I met my fiancée earlier this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 910
You deserved it 6 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess for some people, love is a competition after all...

Really? Some people need to grow up and learn to be happy for one another. Especially family.


littlexlune 16

If they wanted to be the first to wed, I guess one of them should've proposed! **** 'em.

It's not your fault he hasn't asked her the question

If they are that worried about it why don't they just get married? but hey you got a yes CONGRATS!!

Well if they look at it as competition or something, then yeah it's wrong... But if they're mad at you for engaging yourself to someone you just met a year ago...

Congratulations, on your proposal! As for your sister, she either likes waiting, or she's afraid she can't get anyone else.

Maybe her bo should have proposed by now?

Ugh, people like that really piss me off. As if it's your fault. Tell them to F off.

They need to take a chill pill or actually act on their own shit.

Don't care about their jealousy. Do what you feel is right and do not rush or hesitate because of them.

That's their own damn fault if they both want to get married but haven't actually gotten engaged