You little…

By thathottchickk - 13/12/2011 22:43 - United States

Today, I volunteered to cater an event at school. A little girl asked for a big slice of cake so I gave it to her. She then puked everywhere and her parents blamed me and made me clean it up. The little girl sat there smiling at me while I cleaned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 401
You deserved it 3 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have told the parents off. You're a volunteer so forget that.

Just remember, little kids and lots of sweets is usually not a great mix.


Just remember, little kids and lots of sweets is usually not a great mix.

Why are parents either too uptight or too carefree these days?

Agreed Salsa324, Who the hell do these parents think they are? Even if it was Op's fault (which clearly it was'nt) its the parents job to clean up the kids nasty puke. Some people make me sick !!

SouthernKiller 4

YDI for being stupid enough to clean it up. Next time try the phrase 'Eat a dick'

tjv3 10

You deserve it. You should have told her parents know that it's their child they clean it up

You shouldn't have given in to the parents, solely by the fact that you're a volunteer, not an employee.

While that sucks and you shouldn't have been made to clean it up, it's always a good idea to check with parents before giving children food items.

nattynatters 14

It's not his job to stop every kid and ask where their mommy is. The mother should have gone with her. Parents should know that when given the chance kids will eat the worst foods. Op, you should have stood up for yourself.

not OPs job, the parents should have gone with her since by having a child, they're pretty much entitled to

Should of "acedently" flicked vomit at her.

natewilson 9

Yes acedently... As opposed to accidentally.

gunmania0 12

Yeah, acedently flick vomit at her, whatever that means... Darn you number 6.

I just spent a good amount of time trying to figure out how you would pronounce "acedently"

yumlicious 4

I just spent a good amount of time resisting the urge to plunge a knife into my eye. SHOULD HAVE* asda;sldlkn32lknd2k3ldw;dj23;edu p2309urw09jr0jt ,34908ru 2-9u2-4u2395 u2-8utw[0fjsodifjsoidfisodfjoiwerjo3irj2o3pir29r82-2u3r 23-9r 92-3 ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take it as a compliment. The cake was so good, she wanted to taste it twice!... That is, if you made the cake. (The cake is a lie...)

I would have told the parents off. You're a volunteer so forget that.

Deep down you know you would have cleaned it up and eaten it if the parents had asked you.

Torva_fml 16

No.... We really wouldn't eat the kids vomit.... You're a sick ****.

Why would they blame you for being nice to their daughter? Douchebag family.

builditbetter09 3
hryffff 11
jwade11 12

Seriously!!!! She's possessed!!!