Whatever floats your boat

By Anonymous - 01/11/2012 11:48 - France - Belloy-en-france

Today, dressed in my sexiest nightie, I asked my boyfriend in the most sensual voice possible what he'd like me do to for him tonight. His eyed widened, he started clapping wildly, and then shrieked, "SPAGHETTI CARBONARA!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 668
You deserved it 5 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mordakai420 6

Well, he can get sex anytime, how often do you cook for him? He's gotta take this opportunity.


acetheone 8

i just lost brain cells reading this grammatical abomination. YDI.

Is this type of thing common for girlfriends to do? My girlfriend has never once done anything like this in the 3 years we've been together...

roxasfightshard 0

Just think he wants your food so what you should do is make it and in the middle of him eating it slam his face in it and say I ruined your meal as you have ruined my night by stuffing your face with food

I laughed a lot harder than I probably should have

This EXACT same situation happened to me only my boyfriend asked for grilled cheese and tomato soup (he won't touch canned tomato soup). I wouldn't take it as a snub he was probably starving at the time. If you want something from a man most of the time you either have to show up naked or approach them physically first, they dont read minds

As they say. "quickest way to a mans heart is with food"

make him the damn italian food, thats what id do