Whatever floats your boat

By Anonymous - 01/11/2012 11:48 - France - Belloy-en-france

Today, dressed in my sexiest nightie, I asked my boyfriend in the most sensual voice possible what he'd like me do to for him tonight. His eyed widened, he started clapping wildly, and then shrieked, "SPAGHETTI CARBONARA!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 668
You deserved it 5 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mordakai420 6

Well, he can get sex anytime, how often do you cook for him? He's gotta take this opportunity.


Jenny555_fml 8

This is a FAKE!! There was the exact same story few weeks ago on the original version of FML!!! God moderators suck here, we wouldnt allow that in the French version.

hopef33110 7

lol! sounds like something my bf would do he once ran down the hall shouting FOOOOOODDDDDD! they do say a way to a mans heart is though his stomch

Lmfaoo true Italian man would say the same lol

He probably meant, "spaghetti carbonara all over that sexy body!"