Whatever floats your boat

By Anonymous - 01/11/2012 11:48 - France - Belloy-en-france

Today, dressed in my sexiest nightie, I asked my boyfriend in the most sensual voice possible what he'd like me do to for him tonight. His eyed widened, he started clapping wildly, and then shrieked, "SPAGHETTI CARBONARA!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 668
You deserved it 5 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mordakai420 6

Well, he can get sex anytime, how often do you cook for him? He's gotta take this opportunity.


jarockstar27 10

Well.....at least he likes your cooking?

snwbrder6 1

Your bf sounds like a 10yr old. Any reasonable mature guy would love a girl to do that for them, and not think twice about taking your seductive bait

SquiddlyDiddly 4

My girlfriend is pregnant and refuses to do anything sexually with me no matter how hard I try (dates, presents, vacations, talking [and listening especially]). OP Sorry, I know how you feel.

hichyz5257 4

Just walk over and start kissing him then ask op that's what my girlfriend does.

It's hard to compete with spaghetti....

Well you asked, he answered... Best get cooking! Oh ya and be a doll OP and make some garlic bread to go with it ;)

zuzupetalsYO 11

That's what you get for having expectations. You should have just jumped on him then made him food. He would want to marry you..lol

That's why you need a man in you life not a boy! A man will always wait and take care of business before going out to eat.