Hilariously sexy

By Laceylace - 22/03/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I wrote my boyfriend a sexy letter designed to arouse him. I described what I wanted us to do to each other in the most erotic way. Later, he came up to me and hugged me, saying it was the funniest thing he ever read and he's glad he's in love with a girl with such a great sense of humor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 238
You deserved it 13 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I say post the letter! Let us decide. lol

"dear boyfriend I want you to ride me like Seabiscuit. Spank me with a "riding crop". I then want to lick it clean." if it was something like that id say the same thing he did lol


FreshPrince_fml 0

hahahahaha!!! that stinks...

RachelTheLoser 0

Well if she looks on the bright side, at least she knows hes in love with her....

well, at least he appreciated it! :]

"dear boyfriend I want you to ride me like Seabiscuit. Spank me with a "riding crop". I then want to lick it clean." if it was something like that id say the same thing he did lol

Maybe you would have had better luck if you'd asked him what sexy thing he wanted to do to you.

Meow34 0

LMAO. At least he didn't diss you and be all 'WTF'

I say do it and when his eyes roll in the back of his skull, ask him if its funny now, and just stop and walk out the room. Nothing says I love you like blue balls.