What were the chances?

By stpry of my life - 27/02/2009 22:58 - United States

Today, I was babysitting my 5 year-old niece, and she was really down in the dumps because she didn't get invited to a birthday party. To cheer her up, I took her to Chuck E Cheese. Right when we arrived, we walked in on a birthday party. It was the one that my niece got denied from. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 088
You deserved it 7 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

efemivida 0

Hopefully it was more awkward for the people who didn't invite her. They probably felt bad seeing her there by herself.

Aww!! You were just trying to do something nice...sucks that it backfired :(. Your niece will forgive you one day...


J15237 25

Well at least you tried to be a good Aunt and cheer her up.