What happened?

By nayahbear24 - 27/08/2014 22:52 - United States - Trenton

Today, after coming home from a two week vacation, my dog was pink, there were beer bottles and used condoms on my bed, and everything was a mess. I asked my sister, who'd been watching over the place, what had happened. She just said, "Oops." and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 201
You deserved it 3 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When she asks you to watch her place, do something like that and just say "oops", again.

I think I'm most curious about how the dog came to be pink


What bright side? (Except for the pink dog, that sounds awesome...)

I don't know! But when he find it, he should look on it!

paramor3 23

Ummm that's quite a big "oops!!" I mean, oops covers a lot...but even if has it limits!!

Yup time to go oops upside her head

Sounds like she had a better time than you.

How can people use a condom and not throw it away after?

am I be the only one who wants to have a follow up on this FML

Maccaroney 11

Follow up? I want to have been there! Party!

skyeyez9 24

That is a valid reason to cut ties with her for a long ******* time. At least your dog is ok other than the pink color? Thankfully no drunk assholes left your doors wide open for your dog to wander away, and get hit by a car or eaten by a predator.