What happened?

By nayahbear24 - 27/08/2014 22:52 - United States - Trenton

Today, after coming home from a two week vacation, my dog was pink, there were beer bottles and used condoms on my bed, and everything was a mess. I asked my sister, who'd been watching over the place, what had happened. She just said, "Oops." and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 201
You deserved it 3 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When she asks you to watch her place, do something like that and just say "oops", again.

I think I'm most curious about how the dog came to be pink


You must be new to FML, OP, otherwise you'd learn by now NEVER to depend on your sisters. Hope you made her clean her shit up though. That is absolutely disgusting!

Your sisters a bitch. Pun intended. Buh dum tsssss.

Well i guess sisters are as useless as the internet says.

you could put the contents of the used condoms into her conditioner bottle. user her toothbrush to clean your toilet, or the ass of a homeless man. Then when she catches something, that's when you say "oops"

Of course this happened in New Jersey!