By PuppyLove2009 - 13/11/2009 18:34 - United States

Today, I came home after a two week vacation to find that my wonderful dog had pooped and peed all over my room. My mother was kind enough to dog-sit; however, instead of helping me by cleaning up the horrid mess, she just left me coupons for Glade plug-in air fresheners. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 032
You deserved it 3 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

muffinsareyummy 1

i hope she didn't charge you for the coupons.

OP was on a 2 week vacation you dumb twat, how is she suppose to clean up after her dog when she is away?


wow, now that's a nice mother.... FYL first...

rakhil11 7

you didn't say anything in your first comment though, so it doesn't count!

i mean it, she does have nice mother... leaving some coupons, and leaving...

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OP was on a 2 week vacation you dumb twat, how is she suppose to clean up after her dog when she is away?

Well, I guess now all of the dog-lovers from the cat-peeing-on-the-stove FML can't really talk now.

Skull_300 0

Beat the **** out of that Bitch....your mother!!!

perdix 29

You've got a dogshit mom. YDI for hiring an incompetent for the job. You should have gotten a professional pet-sitter or taken your dog to a kennel. How has your mom been able to withstand the smell? Maybe after a lifetime with you, the scents of decaying and decomposing dog urine and feces are not that bad.

Skull_300 0

You sure it wasn't your mother that pissed and shit in your room? Maybe she is framing your dog. Bitch!!!

Your Mom can't help that you haven't housebroken your dog. It's too much for you to expect her to give you two weeks of her time but to also clean up feces and urine.