
By dan - 13/08/2020 17:01

Today, I found out that all of the times my mom told me that she was busy out of town wasn’t due to work, it was that she was going on vacations with her boyfriend and his kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 614
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

genuinegoodguy 9

Good for her if it made her happy.

Yummi_913 18

I agree with the other comments that your mom isn't required to take you and has her own life, BUT she still lied to you about it which changes things a bit. Sounds like she either doesn't want you as part of the new family she's making or maybe she knew exactly how much it would hurt you so decided to lie to your face instead. Your mom's a dick for being so dishonest. She doesn't need to take you, but she could at least be mature and honest about it.


Have you always told your parents everything? Do you think your kids have told you everything? What’s the difference?

last time I checked parents have more responsibilities to their child than the cold does to their parents. regardless being blown off by your mother consistently would suck

genuinegoodguy 9

Good for her if it made her happy.

depends on how often, and how old op is

Is your mom not allowed to have a life? ydi

Yummi_913 18

I agree with the other comments that your mom isn't required to take you and has her own life, BUT she still lied to you about it which changes things a bit. Sounds like she either doesn't want you as part of the new family she's making or maybe she knew exactly how much it would hurt you so decided to lie to your face instead. Your mom's a dick for being so dishonest. She doesn't need to take you, but she could at least be mature and honest about it.