By lousy - 31/01/2009 22:23 - United States

Today, I live with my mother and realized she goes out with her friends and dates more times a week than I do in a single month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 066
You deserved it 3 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you sound like one of my best mates. his mom is hot

Stoner09 0

i feel ya. luckily im almost out of high school


you sound like one of my best mates. his mom is hot

start having sex while she's her bed...safely...with multiple won't miss her. Trust me.

Stoner09 0

i feel ya. luckily im almost out of high school

Ask her for some advice if you're really bummed about it. After all, she should be a role model for you, hopefully she's a good one :/

You go on dates? You have friends??? F MY life. You're way ahead of me.

happygoluckyhh 0

Number 3 said it all. Quality over quantity. That is exactly the point. Why do you compare yourself like that?

Same life man, but there's tons of stuff you can do about that. Don't mope about.

Dude seriously ver a luce and be more social

Join stuff around town or at school because you meet a lot of people that way.