
By aphre - 18/03/2009 12:35 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend of over a year and I were discussing how neither of us is the other's usual "type". I explained that I usually go for insular asshole types and then asked him what made me different from his usual choices. He said "Oh, well, I usually go for the attractive ones." FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 862
You deserved it 11 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who is Smile Jesus? Is there also a Frown Jesus?


kwbuzz23wk 0

2 things 1. grow up, you asked walked right into that one 2. Women need to learn not to ask a question if they don't want it to be answered. you asked for that one liner and any smart guy with a sense of humor would have made that joke.

Okay, he was probably joking. Everyone needs to chill the **** out.

I think it was pretty rude of him to say that...(unless he was joking...) But all the people here that are saying "Oh well, at least he must like your personality or he wouldn't be with you" A) He still doesn't have to make a rude comment like that. Why would he? She said something NICE about him by saying her usual type are assholes and he is NOT her usual type, hence not an asshole...why would be respond with a rude comment? B) If you really like or love someone they should be beautiful to you no matter what...I've heard many people say that my husband is ugly or not attractive enough...and I couldn't care less, he may be no Brad Pitt but to me he is beautiful inside and out...and I would never hurt him by telling him he's not attractive...you just don't do that to someone that actually means something to you...

I hope you dumped his ass if he wasn't joking...

messyfoola89 0

lmao seems like you got another ass hole hahaha

lpblue 0

You've got to know that he was almost certainly joking, right?

lpblue and similar commenters, never assume that a girl can take a joke. Girls don't rag on each other the same way guys do, and take comments like this one much more seriously than a guy would. This is not to say all girls can't deal with it; I know I can, as can most of my female friends. But until you've got a clear sense of how a girl will handle it, I'd advise against making jokes at her expense. That being said, the fact that she posted to FML makes me think that this wasn't a joke, because he could have explained himself in the time it took her to type the post.

theoldGP 0

this definitely wasn't a joke... or it wouldn't be an FML get a life guys. damn that's really mean. at least you like assholes =]

#1 said it, for sure. Maybe he said that just to prove you wrong. Otherwise he's an ass.