TW: The final straw

By Anonymous - 04/12/2021 19:58

Today, I broke up with my long-term boyfriend, because his alcohol problem is so bad that he drank his way through an old bottle of Tequila, which belonged to my mum, and that I'd kept after she committed suicide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 308
You deserved it 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep the empty bottle of fill it up with water. It was wise to break up with hm, alcohol problems are too tough to tolerate.

I have mixed feelings about this. If boyfriend didn’t know the significance of that particular bottle of tequila, then that’s one thing. If he knew the significance then it’s pathetic behavior on his part. Keep the bottle refill it with water or colored water to match the original. As a keepsake it will be just as good that way.


Keep the empty bottle of fill it up with water. It was wise to break up with hm, alcohol problems are too tough to tolerate.

Why shouldn't he drink it? Your mom certainly is not going to. A bottle of tequila is a strange keepsake, to be sure.

I have mixed feelings about this. If boyfriend didn’t know the significance of that particular bottle of tequila, then that’s one thing. If he knew the significance then it’s pathetic behavior on his part. Keep the bottle refill it with water or colored water to match the original. As a keepsake it will be just as good that way.