Workers of the world, unionize

By Labcat - 04/12/2021 14:00 - United States - Vancouver

Today, I have a great union job and have told my friends about it. I recently received three calls from a very irate person, blaming me for, "stealing their workers by telling them about 'union BS'." I literally can't find their company anywhere, but they claim they will sue me. I don't even know who they are! FML
I agree, your life sucks 956
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Royal Sataness 4

it's probably someone pranking you. they don't seem to exist, your friends probably don't all work for the same company, and you're not a head Hunter who's poaching, so you're fine

Don’t give it too much thought. Jealous people tend to lash out with all sorts of BS; they just want you to feel a crappy as they do.


Don’t give it too much thought. Jealous people tend to lash out with all sorts of BS; they just want you to feel a crappy as they do.

Royal Sataness 4

it's probably someone pranking you. they don't seem to exist, your friends probably don't all work for the same company, and you're not a head Hunter who's poaching, so you're fine

Probably some scabs who work for the Koch brothers or MAGA, Inc.

While the threats and harassment is probably pure bullshit, its never a good idea to brag about your good fortune, pay, talents, etc. It tends to make people jealous and it’s just not good manners or wise.

rotflqtms_ 21

They can sue you, but they won't win. Telling people about a good job isn't a crime.

wrenavery90 12

Good God. Obviously someone is pranking you.