Tricky situation

By fml9124 - 08/10/2020 10:01 - United States - Omaha

Today, my wife gave me the green light to have sex with other women. She beat the cancer, but sex for her is now painful and she wasn't really interested in sex the last 10 years anyway. So why does my life suck? Because I don't want sex with anyone else. Now she's mad at me for making her feel guilty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 060
You deserved it 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Taylor Caldwell 10

This is so sad. Maybe you two could find new ways to connect sexually, try working with a therapist to find some ways that have agreeable for you both. Best of luck.

It should sound awesome, but I only feel sadness I wish you all the best, OP. Stay strong, both of you.


It should sound awesome, but I only feel sadness I wish you all the best, OP. Stay strong, both of you.

yea,I feel you. im in the same situation :(

Taylor Caldwell 10

This is so sad. Maybe you two could find new ways to connect sexually, try working with a therapist to find some ways that have agreeable for you both. Best of luck.

xxlk4xx 6

just tell her she has no need to feel guilty! you obviously have a lot of respect for her, I agree with maybe some therapy for both of you in that area, and just remind her that you married HER, not other women, I know for myself if my husband suddenly couldn't have sex with me anymore I still wouldnt be able to have sex with other men even if he gave me the green light.

You need to find some crypto-zoologists and let them study you. They're always looking for proof that some mythical creature actually exists. They are trying to find Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster, the Yeti, the chupacabra, and the monogamous human being. You could give them a win!

If you have kids and they are out of the house, it might be time to consider divorce if you guys can't find a way to have sex as well as connect emotionally. You deserve a complete/healthy/fulfilling/flourishing life. If her lack of sex is due to pain vaginally, then it might be easily fixable with some hormone therapies etc, which can, at the same time make her desire sex more. Good luck, truly.

bl3ur0z3 17

That's kinda sweet and not really surprising. She probably would have felt jealous if you did want sex with other women. Question is, do you love her enough to honestly live without sex? My mother in law has survived 25 years with my impotent father in law. It can be done. If so, make sure she knows that. Hold her as often as you can and remind her that sex isn't everything, she's more to you than that.

bj's? vaginal isn't the only route to go, there are many

You, sir, are a rare specimen of mankind. Bless your heart. I agree with what others are saying, and maybe there are some other options out there for you both to be comfortable. Wishing you both the best!