Treat your pets properly!

By Anonymous - 23/10/2019 19:00 - United States - Portland

Today, I had an argument with my dad about how Alpo dog food is trash and is why his dog keeps having terrible farts and diarrhea. My dad refuses to believe me, so now I'm always scrubbing vile, smelly, mucous-laden dog diarrhea out of the carpet. I'm a pet nutritionist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 916
You deserved it 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why? let him clean up after his dog he's an adult , a stupid one but still an adult.

Well clearly Alpo isn't good for this dog in particular - some dogs may be fine eating whatever you present to them, and some just have more specific dietary needs. If your dog has uncontrollable diarrhea and gas after every meal, maybe that should be a clue that he's not being fed right. My FIL always insists it's mean to not share scraps of food with the dog, and then keeps wondering why that poor bastard has the runs all the goddamn time. Clearly the evidence is there that it's not healthy for him, how is it a discussion about people's personal opinions and marketing schemes.


Why? let him clean up after his dog he's an adult , a stupid one but still an adult.

Yeah, if you are old enough to be a fully fledged pet nutritionist, then he's old enough to clean up after his own dog.

Alpo is fine. You're just pimping overpriced crap to gullible dog owners. Dogs are designed to eat just about anything.

Just because you can eat something doesn’t mean you should. I really hope you don’t have any dogs...

I've had dogs my whole life and they've had long healthy lives eating ordinary dog food before and since the high-end versions were invented and marketed to gullible dog owners.

Well clearly Alpo isn't good for this dog in particular - some dogs may be fine eating whatever you present to them, and some just have more specific dietary needs. If your dog has uncontrollable diarrhea and gas after every meal, maybe that should be a clue that he's not being fed right. My FIL always insists it's mean to not share scraps of food with the dog, and then keeps wondering why that poor bastard has the runs all the goddamn time. Clearly the evidence is there that it's not healthy for him, how is it a discussion about people's personal opinions and marketing schemes.

Sady_Ct 37

I can’t feed my dog anything with most kinds of grain or beet in it or she rips her skin off itching. She gets raw meat, beef and roo, plus raw carrot and Zuchini, rolled oats, lettuce, apple, etc. no fancy foods for her.

Just because McDonald’s is edible, doesn’t mean it’s good for you... Same goes for dog food. You sound like a dog owner who doesn’t give two hoots about their dog’s health.

Maybe it's time to buy good quality dog food and pour it into the Alpo bags when Daddy's not looking. Just remember to buy a bag of Alpo every now and then and say loudly "I bought the dog food!" when Dad's around, or he will suspect something. The local pet shelter will be glad to take all future Alpo bags off your hands.

This really depends on the shelters guide lines, many shelters now will turn down certain brands of pet food do to it's known contaminants and allergy issues because they too don't want to be cleaning up dog diarrhea or cat vomit 🤢, afew yrs ago a shelter worker was telling me how they received 500 lbs of dog food that was donated buy Alpo and it made every single dog extremely ill in the shelter and some of the dogs had to be put down they became so sick (its a no kill shelter)so now my local shelter only uses certain brands.

I make my dogs food, using human food like chicken, brown rice and fresh vegetables. saves me a money and time because I usually pre make chicken bland and then season it if I decide to eat it or shred it if I am going to use it to feed my dog

For my dog she is on a strictly fresh food diet. I get my dog food from nomnomnow and it’s incredible

His dog he picks up the crap, literally. Is it your house? Tell him the dog isn't allowed to visit.

Off topic/ but I get what you’re saying. You know what animals should eat, and it’d be smart to listen to your advice. I’m an RN with 10+ yrs experience in ER/Trauma and Maternal/Neonatal and I still get people in my family who ASK for advice, but when it’s not what they want to hear, act like what I say is garbage advice. Then their Drs tell them the same thing, and suddenly they act like I’m some kind of medical genius. Until the next time they need advice and the circle starts all over again. You’d think I’d have learned by now..... lol

That actually sounds like distemper, or intestinal worms. Maybe see a vet, just in case?