Delirious fever days are the BEST!

By Sheila Deville - 24/10/2019 02:00

Today, it's day 5 of being out of my mind with a fever. I actually uttered the words, "Spit is a lubricant, not a frictioncant or gripperorator." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 333
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You’ve had a fever for 5 days! Have you been to the dr? If I were you I would have gone to the dr after 2 days Incase it’s something worse then a simple cold.

Muza 1

Hmmmm idk. How do you remember, let alone spell all that?


Muza 1

Hmmmm idk. How do you remember, let alone spell all that?

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

You’ve had a fever for 5 days! Have you been to the dr? If I were you I would have gone to the dr after 2 days Incase it’s something worse then a simple cold.

yes i went on day 4, its infection & im on antibiotics. Thank you for being so sweet☺

Oh thank goodness! I should’ve read further to see if you’d responded! I’m so happy to hear that you’re on meds!! Get well soon, dear!!

Hopefully you have seen a doctor by now because brain damage isn't fun you have a infection get some help

if you're so out of your mind how can you even remember?

because i haven't come down with amnesia, i am having a very hard time thinking clearly, doing simple daily things is a struggle, my thoughts have been random and in hindsight often don't make rational sence. Lucidity comes between fever spikes

E2dav 5

that is not normal, get off FML and see a doctor

Please go to a clinic or see a medical professional. Having a fever for 5 days to the point of being delirious is not normal nor healthy. Whatever your body is fighting off, sounds like it’s losing the battle. If you HAVE been taking antibiotics, they may not be effective. If you’re writing this from a hospital bed, I apologize, but delirium-inducing fevers are the body’s way of telling you “something is very wrong, and I need help!!”.