By syki - 30/09/2016 12:08 - United States

Today, my mom told me I should playing "Outside." The graphics are amazing, but the controls don't work no matter how many buttons I push. FML
I agree, your life sucks 703
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leah_kascar 8

I played a similar game called "life" it's a hard game and the first 18 years are free but then it's pay to play.

Holy shit that game's hard. No saving or loading, and you get one chance at character creation, and it's randomized.


leah_kascar 8

I played a similar game called "life" it's a hard game and the first 18 years are free but then it's pay to play.

Holy shit that game's hard. No saving or loading, and you get one chance at character creation, and it's randomized.

Not to mention pvp is strictly prohibited and could even result in a temporary ban

I've seen better graphics, seriously he needs better stuff (got gud scrub)

I hate it when my mom tells me to playing outside.

These captioned photos are always the worst recycled jokes. They rarely even make any sense at all to apply it to a real experience. Please stop

So just ignore them if you don't like them. They're trying something new. It's not like they stopped publishing all written fmls and switched completely to photo captions.

qteabutt 12

Yeah, when they introduced the photo section, I was thinking it would be users uploading their own FML on a picture, which would be better but this is kinda wasteful.

i agree they are almost always the worst jokes on the internet, but the worst part is that there is no real voting, only: "I agree that was well spotted" there is no alternative to say: "Omg, that caption is so bad u should be ashamed" luckily the Staff now announce the names of who ever came up with the least worse caption (makes you wonder how bad the rest would be) so that person is now shamed for ever on the FML site..

yeah, cause that's what everyone's goal should be to shame people for having a go and a laugh. good thing everything in life is open to interpretation...

You failed at wording this old joke.. Like so badly. Pls stop

because a upvote comes with a downvote option, and Alan already knows which one would win here...