By rioght onnn - 20/05/2011 19:38 - Canada

Today, while working at a restaurant, an elderly lady stuck my tip in my back pocket as I was walking away. I wish I knew this before I'd thrown her to the floor for touching my hiney. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 924
You deserved it 43 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, elderly or young, female or male, I don't blame you at all.

it doesn't matter, her hands shouldn't have been anywhere near your butt.


WhiteZoneRedZone 6

Wow I get that you were shocked but was it necessary to do that

angellovesjake17 0

Hiney? I didn't know we went back to kindergarten! :)

I hope you learned your lesson. Don't act on impulse on situations like this one.

Unless you got fired, it's not a FYL, but rather FHerLife. You were within your right to protect your hiney (unless the restaurant was a strip joint), and it could be instinct. There's plenty of youtube vids where people who surprise someone end up getting punched. If you want to leave a tip, leave it at the table or with the hostess, you don't stick it in someone's pocket.

So apparently the word "hiney" stuck with you from kindergarten, but not the "use your words, not your hands" lesson. What she did wasn't right at all, but I think the situation hardly called for a violent response.

choirnerd1808 0

today, after finally getting out of the hospital from hip surgery I went to eat at a restaurant. the waiter was lovely so I gave them a tip in their back pocket and they ended up throwing me to the ground shattering my hip. fml

pikapika94 0

I woulda flipped so get bent ya'll assholes who blame her