By brhorton02 - 06/04/2009 14:42 - United States

Today, I was waitering at the restaurant that I work at when I collected a credit card bill that was worth $120 and a big zero on the tip line. Angered, I turned to a co-worker and said "I knew this asshole wasn't going to tip me." The guy was standing right behind me with $30 in his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 484
You deserved it 166 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was stupid. Plenty of people pay tips with cash instead, myself included.

I hope he threw the money in your face. Ha, no I don't. I hope he gave the money to your co-worker.


That was stupid. Plenty of people pay tips with cash instead, myself included.

Sonfang 19

you shouldn't be so hasty or such an asshole not everyone gives tips! but for the most part they are cash tips!

way to gi asshole, that WOULD have been a TWENTY-FIVE percent tip

littlebigperson 0

wow fail don't assume like that and btw shouldn't u all him an asshole AFTER he leaves? just cuz he hears it won't change n e thing


I'm wondering if he actually still paid the tip?

I hope he threw the money in your face. Ha, no I don't. I hope he gave the money to your co-worker.

lolmonster34 0

He was giving you a big tip too it's normally only 10%

mylifeisfuckeddd 0

that's why when you talk about tips, you make sure the people aren't around. i work at a party place for kids and as soon as the family walks out the door we talk about how good or bad that party was and how much we think they tipped.

Today I went out for a meal. After racking up about $120 of food, I thought I would be nice and tip the waiter $30 cash so the tip won't be included in his taxes. As I walked up with cash in hand to the waiter who was looking over my credit card reciept, and I heard him say to his coworker "I knew that asshole wouldn't tip me". FML.

ladypatience93 2

k I'm a waitress aswell and it is completely unprofessional to talk about your tips period! and your pay too! it bugs the shit out of me when co-workers tell me how much a table gave them! crazy!!

This is why, when I pay with a card but tip cash, I write 'cash' on the tip line.

I am embarrassed for you :( that's harsh man. but you definitely deserved that one..

Tucatz 0

That's what happens when you assume. (I take it that you do know the rest of that old saying?...)

is "waitering" a word? either way, THIS is why we don't assume things. hopefully he took his tip back and left.