By viperplay53 - 12/08/2011 05:26 - United States

Today, while working at a McDonald's drive-through, some dicks decided to pull a "fire in the hole" prank. Granted, it has been done to me before, this time was different. These pleasant people decided to use hot coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 390
You deserved it 2 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's assault, i hope you wrote down their license plate.

whyme203 15

Dude that sucks. I work in fast food too and know how horrible people can be.


victimization 0

How would that work if they just threw it back at you....

Wait! That was you? I wasn't there but my pal went somewhere and came back laughing about coffee on a Micky D's dude. Wonder if it was you o.o

poolshark1017 0

op sould replace their pattys with shit!

ouch! sounds painful, hope your ok >