By Liar Liar - 12/02/2011 07:50 - United States

Today, while shopping in the baby department at a local department store, a woman approached me asking when I was due. I told her that I was due in 4 months. I lied. I'm not pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 839
You deserved it 28 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi for being so self conscious you need to lie, say you're not pregnant and she feels awful

I'm curious as to why you were in the baby department if you're not pregnant?


well she probably assumed that you were due because you were shopping in the baby might not be because you're fat or something. sorry if you are though xD

RaVeN53 7

then why were u shopping there O_o

toyota4life94 6

well, it people like you who give America the fat ass name. thanks! I love being skinny.

Uhm.... no offense but that's kinda rude. I'm sure you're skinny and pretty but you don't have to put this person down like that...

or she already had her baby and is now buying clothes for it?

She may have assumed you just weren't showing yet. Some people don't start swelling till LATE in the pregnancy.

That's just horrible. The stupid woman should know better than to ask a question like that. Being in the baby department is no excuse. You should never ask a lady that

bigantennaemay 3

maybe that's a sign that you should lose some damn weight, you fat ugly bitch!!!!!!!!!

Or a sign that she was in the baby department, you judgemental prick.

jennigraff 2

its ok hunn, my stomach sticks out cuz i got rods n my back for scoliosis, which pushes my stomach out, ppl have been asking me if im pregnant for the last 3 yrs and im 16

omg don't feel bad hun. You're beautiful the way you are, and you don't need anyone to tell you anything kay? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'm sure that you're beautiful :) Dont listen to other peoples rude, insensitive, impertinent and derogatory comments! They don't know what the hell they're talking about! *hem hem* talking to some specific individuals here. Life's gonna be what you make it, so make it right ;) Don't listen to people cause as the username says OMG PEOPLE THESE DAYS!