By booyouwhoree - 03/03/2009 20:49 - United States

Today, I told my friend I hadn't had a period in 5 months. She asked me if I was pregnant. When I asked her if I looked 5 months pregnant, she replied, "Is that supposed to be a trick question?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 843
You deserved it 18 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyler1 0

OMG I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM! i haven't my period in 15 YEARS! then again im a 15 year old guy..

well, do you have any idea as to why you wouldn't be getting your period for 5 months straight if you weren't? mine skips for like two months if i'm stressed but that's about it.


well, do you have any idea as to why you wouldn't be getting your period for 5 months straight if you weren't? mine skips for like two months if i'm stressed but that's about it.

djsledgehammer 0

I wonder if the OP's a guy o_O

Mjwnenrjs 17

it says at the top with a blue arrow or a purple cross if they are a boy or girl

My friend misses her period for four months and it turned out she had a disease that caused anorexia. How do you like them apples?

duma191 21

malnourishment can cause you not to have a period. or certain birth controll.

It's possible to not be. I skipped mine for four months before. Turns out nothing was wrong. It's usually just stress that causes that.

dearkidnapper 0

HAHA I pee'd my pants laughing at this!

it is possible to not have ure period for months if your a teen and ure within the first 3yrs of getting ure period (happened to my friend) but that's ure fault. Next time just say the the classical no

5- what in the hell did you write? "ure"? Please spell correctly. I had to keep re-reading this comment because i couldnt under stand it. At leaset you know its "you're" amd not "your".

Well, 5, the last half of your comment made no sense. Also how is this OP's fault?

kittykat1501 31
bocarosa 0

hah. thats pretty funny. not ur period. what ur friend said. :P

it can happen for any number of reasons from stress to too much exercise to other more serious health issues. Most women not on birth control are somewhat irregular b/c their hormones are not being artificially controlled. singed, your amateur gynecologist.

magnetic_aura 26

The past tense of sing is sang. What he said was "singed" as in singe. Like to burn...

Haha my friends always joke around with me that im pregnant because mine can skip 2-3 months at a time but it always comes back.

yeah. mine skips 2-3 months too. the most I had is a year...

Flora_fml 6