By Faker - 16/10/2012 21:44 - United States

Today, while shopping, an old man came up to me and told me I should be ashamed for walking around fake limping, and that it's horrible to mock people who actually limp from serious injuries. I wasn't faking, I was born without my right leg and I was getting used to my new prosthetic one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 003
You deserved it 1 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that_guy666 3

people are always quick to judge. I'm proud of you OP keep fighting and I wish you the best of luck! it takes a lot of courage. :)

Shoulda shown him your prosthetic leg. No need to respect your elders if they don't respect you.


"You're right. In fact, I am healthy enough I can kick people in the face without jumping." *holds prosthetic leg like a baseball bat*

the nerve of some people these days. hey dont let it get to you. keep fighting(:

the 66 people that said you deserve it can **** off. no way you deserved it. you go OP. keep staying strong.

WTF is wrong with people... I sincerely hope you... A: Showed him your prosthetic leg while grinning at him sarcastically. B: Called him a "Busy-body asshole who needs to learn to keep his stupid mouth shut". C: Kicked him in the balls with your prosthetic leg to show him how agile you really are. Sorry you had to deal with that. Good for you for being tough and taking the high road!

what a jerk! how did he figure you were fake limping? I guess people that sprain their ankles' shouldn't limp either.

I really hope you called him out on being a douche and showed him instead of just getting (understandably) upset.

I'm so sick of judgement from people. I have a mystery illness that mimics ms. I have a handicap parking sticker I use on bad days. I've gotten so many rude remarks when I use it. It's upsetting. My dad went to Vietnam and was exposed to agent orange. I'm now sick because of it. People need to mind their own damned business. Big hugs op.

doglover100 28

I'm tired of people thinking if you look fine you don't have a disorder/illness. I hope you showed him your leg.

Sorry that people like that exist op. I get glared at and what not all the time, since I limp too, but mine's from trauma I had received to my head in a bad wreck i was in which left me disabled. It took me two years to walk again, but I got the hang of it now and walk with a very noticeable limp. Lots of people glare at me all the time and tell me off from parking in handicap or for limping thinking I am mocking the elderly. Don't worry about it op, just ignore them, some people just suck. Congrats on the new prosthetic leg, hope you get use to it.